With the weather warming up, I am starting to hearing the buzz from my clients, "Trina I need to be in a bathing suit for my trip in 10 days. What can I do to make this happen?"  The answer is simple.  It will take some consistency and discipline however. Here are some tips to get you on the right track:

  1. Grocery shop with seven days worth of food in mind.  This step is the most important one. Planning ahead will make your life much easier. When planning ahead you will have stocked shelves and less likely to order out when getting home from a long day.
  2. This is the easiest step: when cooking dinner, cook enough to have some leftovers.  You can freeze what is left for another night or have it for lunch the next day.
  3. Pack your lunch the night before. Be prepared for a long day at the office and knowing that you may not get a lunch break. Stock up on 'easy to eat foods'. Skipping meals is not allowed!
  4. Skip the dairy. According to the Center of Disease Control, dairy (cow’s milk) is one of the top 9 foods that can cause food sensitivities.
  5. No Bologna, ham, salami, pastrami or corned beef.  Skip the processed foods and choose quality beef, turkey, or chicken.
  6. Eat wild fish – not fish that is farmed raised.
  7. Serve up fruit.  Any kind! Try dipping your fruit in nut butter
  8. Skip the grains. Wheat is number on the list; more than 35% of us have sensitivity to wheat and other grains.
  9. Think color with Veggies! Eat many and all kinds
  10. Limit baked goods. This is the 2nd leading source of saturated fat in our diets.
  11. Hydration is the key to keep your body running like a champion. So drink up!
  12. Space your meals about 2-3 hours apart.  Eating often keeps the metabolism burning hot.
  13. Eat as many veggies as you want. Think small with everything else. A fist size is one serving of fruit. The size of your checkbook is your protein serving size. 3 dice is the size of your fats.

This lifestyle change can happen not only for your trip but for everyday living.

Consult your physician before starting a fitness or exercise program.  Trina’s column is written for educational purposes only. In no way is it to diagnose, cure or treat any medical conditions.

original post can be found at The Independent News Paper