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The FIRST step can be one of the hardest steps to take. *GIFT Inside*

The FIRST step can be one of the hardest steps to take. *GIFT Inside*

I’ve got something SPECIAL for you - and I think you’re going to LOVE it.

If you’ve been taking some “time off” of working out over the past few months for quarantine ….

Or if you’ve been spending WAY too much time on the couch or developed some unhealthy habits …

You are not alone. This year has been a crazy and unpredictable one.

But I HAVE noticed a pretty awesome trend over the past few weeks.

Many people have hit a point where they are READY to get back into the swing of things. They are craving more energy and want to FEEL good again.

Are you one of them? If you are, I’ve got something (free!) that’ll help in a big way.

If you’re ready to jump back on the fitness wagon – or if you’re ready to make some big changes for the first time in your life - LET’S DO THIS!

That FIRST step can be one of the hardest steps to take. Trust me, I get it!

That’s exactly why I put together my brand-new ebook, the Beginner Quick Start Exercise Guide.

I want to give you a complete roadmap that outlines what to do, how to do it, and when to do it as you take the first few steps of your fitness journey.

It’s specifically designed to give you RESULTS – without feeling sore, time-strapped, or exhausted.

For a short time, you can get a copy of it for FREE as my thank you for being such an amazing part of our community.

Beginner Quick Start Exercise Guide 

  • Complete 14-Day Workout Plan!

  • Strength Workouts (no fancy equipment)

  • Cardio How-Tos & Workouts

  • Flexibility Guide

  • Some of my BEST tips to help you get (and STAY) motivated!

Feel free to share the link with anyone in your life you think might benefit from it.

I hope the Beginner Quick Start Exercise Guide helps you feel fitter, stronger, and healthier!

Committed to Your Success,

​Trina Kubitschek

It is never to late to start

Lumina at the age of 72 lift weights 3 times a week and hikes daily. Judi, age 76 participates in a CrossFit workout 3 times a week and walks the green belt. Stan at the age of 64 jump ropes, lift weights and runs short distances. There is definitely something to be said that we can work out later in life and still reap the benefits.  According to a study researchers tracked 9,500 women for 12 years, starting when they were at least age 66. In that time, they found that those who went from doing little or nothing to walking just a mile a day slashed their risk of death from all causes and from cancer by nearly half. Their risk of heart disease also fell by more than a third. In fact, they enjoyed nearly as much protection as women who were physically active before the study began and remained so. Jane A. Cauley, DrPH, of the University of Pittsburgh, "We're talking about women with an average age of 77 at the second visit," she tells WebMD. "And we're talking about their engaging in very mild exercise -- and not running marathons."


If your only form of exercise is working out with your cell phone here are a few tips to get started:

Get a checkup before a workout. A visit to your doctor is wise for anyone beginning an exercise program, but it's crucial for the elderly or others who have been inactive because of health problems.

Start  slow. Once you get the okay, the key to avoiding fatigue and muscle pain is to pull out of the gate very slowly. You may not be able to do more than 15 minutes the first few weeks.

Go more often. Of course, those few minutes of your exercise program can be done several times a day. First, try to do some activity for a few minutes several times a day.

Listen to your body. Don’t worry about going fast. If you are tiring easily or cannot talk comfortably you will need to slow it down or stop.

Don’t do it alone.  Studies show you are more likely to continue long term if you have an accountability partner.

Do what you enjoy. Far too often do I hear “I really don’t like to exercise” Pick an activity that you enjoy, gardening, swimming, tennis, hiking, or skiing. Most important is that you keep moving.


original article written:


Day 25 of our Paleo Challenge

Today you January 28 you will post points from 1/27/16 Now that you have experienced the Paleo Way is the Paleo Diet for you?

The only way to figure out what an optimal diet is for you is to experiment and observe. The best way to do that is to remove the “grey area” foods you suspect you might have trouble with, like dairy, nightshades, eggs, etc. for a period of time (usually 30 days is sufficient), and add them back in one at a time and observe your reactions. This “30-day challenge” or elimination diet is what folks like Robb Wolf have recommended for a long time.

I suggest we stop trying to define the “Paleo diet” and start thinking about it instead as a “Paleo template”.

What’s the difference? A Paleo diet implies a particular approach with clearly defined parameters that all people should follow. There’s little room for individual variation or experimentation.

A Paleo template implies a more flexible and individualized approach. A template contains a basic format or set of general guidelines that can then be customized based on the unique needs and experience of each person.

Read more here

Today your fitness challenge is planks! For every 3 minutes of planking you will get 5 points. 3 minutes = 5 points.

Example: I hold my plank for 30 seconds then I rest for 15 seconds, then I hold again for 30 seconds then I rest for 15 seconds, that equals 1 minute. I repeat this process until I have reached 3 minutes...I have earned 5 points!

There are no modifications for this challenge. You must plank for a minimum of 3 minutes to earn points.

the perfect plank


Day 24 of our Paleo Challenge

Are you an "overexerciser?" The Female Athlete Triad is a group of three signs commonly found in female athletes and over-exercisers that negatively affect overall health: amenorrhea, osteoporosis, and disordered eating. Literature suggests that up to 60% of female athletes experience at least 1 of the symptoms of the Triad. Read On

The Big Dairy Debate Milk is the  ranked #1 in the allergy food list.  Read More HERE This is a rather lengthy research article but it is worth sitting down and skimming through it.

Welcome to Day 24 of your 30 day Paleo Challenge. Today January 27th you will record your points from 1/26/15 by Midnight. (As a reminder I will not except posts after Midnight)

Day 15 of our Paleo Challenge

Today January 18th, is Day 15 of our Paleo Challenge.

This is where you will post your points from January 17th. Only post points that are earned or left.

Please post in the comments box how many hours of sleep you got last night.

Does anyone not have access to a jump rope?

Need an easy soup idea? - I love any variation of this soup it is so quick and simple and so tasty

Try my recipe for Chicken, Sweet Potato and Kale Stew. It’s one of my favorite ways to eat turmeric.


  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 (4-6 ounce) chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 3 celery stalks, diced
  • 3 carrots, diced
  • 2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tbsp smoked paprika (this stuff is so addictive, I love it!)
  • 1 tbsp ground turmeric
  • 2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 5 garlic cloves, minced. (Remove the green stem. It will taste better. Read how and why HERE)
  • 3 cups sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 8 cups organic vegetable chicken broth
  • 4 cups dinosaur or regular kale, washed, stemmed and torn into pieces
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • optional salt and pepper to taste

Read more about this recipe here

This is your chance!!!! New Challenge IF and ONLY IF you have a score of 1,300 points or less you are illegible  for this burpee challenge. IF you are a challenger that has 1,300 points or less you will post your burpee reps before MIDNIGHT tonight 1/18. Good Luck!



Day 14 of our Paleo Challenge

Today is January 17th, Day 14 of our Paleo Challenge.

This is where you will post your points from January 16th. Only post points that are earned or left.

Congratulations you have made it! Two weeks down - nice work.

Do you or someone you know suffer from headaches?

Ah, headaches! They come out of nowhere and completely ruin an otherwise good day. Headaches can set you back and cause a lot of frustration. The good news is there are easy steps you can take to prevent them and stop them in their tracks.

Are there different types of headaches?

Yes, there are two types of headaches: structural and chemical.

A structural headache occurs because of your structure—something in your body that is being pulled, inflamed, or irritated. This has to do with your alignment, your muscles, or anything that is too tight or too loose. These headaches typically start with pain in the neck, spread to the back of the head and move out from there.

A chemical headache occurs from spasms of the blood vessels that line the scalp. When those blood vessels constrict, there is pain in the nerves around those vessels. Chemical headaches are more diffused in nature, especially near or around the eyes or along the temples. Read more...

Day 13 of our Paleo Challenge

Paleo Challenge Points Jan 2016 Today is Day 13 January 16th of your Paleo Challenge. Today you post points from yesterday 1/15/16

Lets talk about nuts. Can you do your Paleo Challenge with out them?  "I’m sorry to suggest that these incredibly convenient packages of yummy goodness are not the best choice. Did you know that 18 almonds has 168 calories? And about 15 cashews has 165 calories! If you are trying to drop a few L.B.s you might want to rethink your intake of nuts.

If you have health issues that clearly indicate complete avoidance of nuts (like an allergy, sensitivity, unresolved inflammation, leaky gut and/or autoimmune disease), there isn’t a reason to omit them altogether.  Consider nuts an emergency snack food, a special treat, and a lovely way to make salads and veggie dishes a little tastier". Read more here Soaking your nuts are a must in my opinion Read why

I know I hear you saying but I don't have any sensitivities or autoimmune disease. Lets be clear what those definitions mean.

Sensitivities can be defined as waking up with a stuffy nose, seasonal allergies, dry skin, acne, joint pain, headaches, ill health (your sick) You have to remembers your immune system starts in the gut and if you have some issues that you are trying to avoid well....

Inflammation can be defined as FAT! you are trying to lose weight, get rid of the blotted stomach, heart burn, constipation, diarrhea. You get the drift.

Do you take thyroid meds? Then you have an autoimmune issue.



Calories in food and drinks

Day 11 of our Paleo Challenge


Welcome to Day 11 of your 30 day Paleo Challenge. Today January 14th you will record your points from 1/13/16 by Midnight. (As a reminder I will not except posts after Midnight)

I always learn something new from each challenge I do -  and we are only one week and a few days into this challenge and I realized I don't know all of your goals or why you wanted to join this challenge - so if you would be so kind and comment below with your goals and what you'd like to get from your 30 day journey, that would help me further support you along the way.


It just so happens that I received an email today -- perfect timing -- "Three steps to achieve any goal"

Step #1 - A Defined Goal

Okay, before you say this is a "duh", know that most people never actually even get to this step.
Yup, that's right - Step #1 and most people have already quit. Are you still reading? Good, you're not most people.
The TRUTH is that most people are TOO SCARED to actually say their goals out loud.
Most people are embarrassed, or they think they'll fail, or just plain worried about looking stupid.
If you want to achieve anything, you have to be willing to SAY it and BELIEVE it out loud.

Step #2 – A Plan

If you're serious about achieving any goal, you need a plan, a blueprint, a method of how you plan to get there.
"Winging it", isn't gonna cut it.
Admittedly, I'm a fan of winging it. It was my mode of operation for a good 25 years of my life. I rationalized it as being "freeing" rather than what it really was - a lack of discipline.
Now don't get me wrong, there's something awesome about adventuring sometimes without a plan (one of my favorite things), but when it comes to goal completion, you MUST have a plan, a blueprint, A METHOD, for achieving exactly what you want to achieve.
No exception.
No one has ever become successful without some sort of plan.
Whether it's business, finances, or life.
Sure, people have accidentally won the lottery without planning, but they've also accidentally had kids :)
SUCCESS does not happen by accident. Getting your health back does not happen by accident.
As they say, "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

Step #3 – Execution & Discipline

You know what's the hardest part about this whole healthy lifestyle thing?
That's why I ask anyone who is serious about it two questions:
  • How bad do you want it?
  • What are you willing to give up for your goal?
Most people DO NOT ask both questions. They simply talk about what they want without talking about what they're willing to do for the thing they want.
And lets be real...SOMETIMES IT TOUGH! It's real tough! So how do you react when it gets hard?
Remember, one day at a time. You don't have to fight the next years battle in one day. You just need to fight today's battle.
One day at a TIME
Joel from Ultimate Paleo Guide

I can help you finish this challenge with success, but ONLY YOU can decide to keep going when it gets tough. I can't promise it's easy, but it IS worth it. Remember - life is short. Don't let it go by wondering "what if?"

Make this life worth it. It's the only one you got.

You have a new challenge today - how many sit ups can you do in your awaking hours? Click on the link to see what deems as a counted rep, if you don't have a abmat pad no worries you can use a pillow or rolled up towel. Post your sit up reps by MIDNIGHT!! tonight JANUARY 14TH. Good Luck!

Paleo Challenge Rules

CLICK HERE TO READ OUR Paleo Challenge Flyer


CHALLENGE DAY 1: Preliminary

This is the day during which you measure, take a photo, and record exactly where you are at the start of the challenge.

1. Get Body Measurement - circumferential measurements in inches. Do all measurements on bare skin, and make sure that the tape fits snugly but does not compress the skin and underlying tissue. Take all measurements three times and report the average. The Picture below is a general idea of where to measure your wist and hips 

For Women:  measure hips and waist. measure your height in inches without shoes For Men: measure waist. measure the circumference of your wrist. (choose your dominate hand. measure just above the wrist bone where your wrist bends)  Measure your weight in pounds. Molly: Average Hip measurement _____ inches Average waist measurement ______ inches Average height ______ inches Dan: Average waist measurement _____ inches Average wrist measurement _____ inches Average weight ______ pounds ( Measurement analysis inspired by the Zone) Pictures say a '1000 words'  This is another great way to view your performance. Your Photo should show as much skin as possible. Front View and Side View as seen here. At the end of the challenge you will email us your photos at front view

   side view

2. Test your current fitness level

  1. Do the official Paleo Challenge Workout

The official Paleo Challenge workout is:

  1. As many reps as possible in 5 minutes of:

3. Record your score

The last part of your Day 1 before Midnight January 4th is recording your score - on this website just follow this link  DAY ONE

 DAY 2-31:

1. Daily Entry of Points

On each day, from Day one (1 )thirty-one (31), challengers log into this site and report a score for all of their activities from the day before.

  1. Scoring is open (for the previous day) between midnight and 11:59pm (23 hours and 59 minutes).
  2. If a challenger fails to log their score within this time frame, they will receive zero (0) points for that previous day
  3. ALL SCORES ENTERED ARE FINAL. There will be no altering of scores once they have been entered.

2. Points Categories

  • Three Standard Point Categories: Nutrition, Exercise, and Lifestyle Challenges


Challengers start each day with 5 nutrition points When a challenger breaks a nutrition rule, they lose a point. When a challenger has a sip of alcohol they lose all points. A loss of all 5 points, results in a zero (0) for the day When entering the nutrition score, enter the number or points KEPT out of 5


  • Challengers start each day with zero (0) exercise points.
  • Earn two (2) points for exercising (working out) for at least 45 minutes
  • Criteria for determining "what counts as exercise":
    • This is NOT a game of doing a crazy exercise routine every day, score keeping, or judging.
    • Here it is, plain and simple: Did you intentionally spend 45+ minutes doing something that YOU would consider exercise?
    • If the answer to that question is yes, then score yourself a "YES" for that day.
    • How does the Paleo Challenge define "exercise?" Something that elevates your heart rate, helps build any of the 10 general physical skills (strength, endurance, stamina, flexibility, speed, power, balance, coordination, agility, accuracy), or gives you a chance to actively recover.
    • Active recovery must be of a duration of AT LEAST 30 minutes.
    • This means that some days players will do a regular workout – go to the gym or put on running shoes – and some days they will just move – take a light jog, do yoga, ride their bike, skate at the beach, play frisbee or soccer, go surfing, or even walk to work rather than drive.
    • It is up to each individual to determine if they exercised or not.
    • Rest Days are important. Can exercise hinder your gut health? Read here to understand more

BONUS Points

  • Players start each day with zero (0) Bonus points.
  • Earn bonus points for completing the prescribed challenge for that week
  • The challenge category rotates periodically and will include things like drinking water, sleep, exercise, mobility, etc.

Note: DAY 30 is the last day players follow the required daily check-in rules of the game. DAY 31 is the last day players enter their daily check-in score for the previous day. 3. Specific Nutrition Rules Any infraction of the specific nutrition rules costs a challenger a point. Will challengers “break the rules” and lose points during the challenge? Yes! This challenge is about choices, not perfection! Should challengers do everything they can to earn their points? Absolutely! That’s the game! CAUTION: READ YOUR LABELS    non paleo ingredients hide in the strangest places. Go Here for a helpful Shopping-List

  1. Grains or Starchy Carbohydrates

Allowed: You may consume sweet potatoes and yams. Lose 1 point per infraction of: Any grains or starches, e.g. wheat, barley, rye, starchy potatoes (white, yellow, or purple interior), rice (white or brown), bread, pasta, quinoa, corn or soy (including their oils).

  1. Sugars or Sweeteners

Lose 1 point per infraction: of any sugar or sweeteners (organic or not) e.g., honey, agave, coconut sugar, nectar, evaporated cane juice, stevia, anything ending in 'OSE' ,or artificial sweetener.

  1. Dairy

Allowed: Butter Lose 1 point per infraction: of any milk, cheese, sour cream, fermented dairy (yogurt, kefir), or other dairy products.

  1. Alcohol, Soda, Juice, WHEY

Allowed: Kombucha (unsweetened), fruit puree (i.e. apple sauce, whole fruit pureed, any fresh juices, or store bought veggie juice, lime juice, lemon juice. Unsweetened Almond Milk, Unsweetened Coconut Milk, Unsweetened Coconut Cream, Unsweetened Coffee, Unsweetened Teas Lose ALL points per ANY infraction of:  beer, wine, spirits (of ANY amount/size), soda, diet soda or fruit juice.

  1. Artificial Ingredients or Processed Foods

Allowed: Nothing Lose 1 point per infraction of: just about everything that gets put in food that you wouldn't find in your own kitchen. From guar gum to red dye #5, if it’s used to “process” food, it’ll cost a point. If you don’t know what is in a food, it is the same as eating a food that contains a not-allowed ingredient. This will cost you a point. Be smart. Plan ahead. Call restaurants. “Be that guy”.

  1. Portions Just like your workouts, the honor system is in place for all food reporting. Portions size does matter. 1 piece (or bite) of pizza counts for 1 point, 2 pieces counts for 2 points. A whole, un-sliced pizza is not one portion. The same rule applies for any drink alcohol, soda, or juice. One glass, shot, or portion counts as a total lost. So it’s clear, ANY amount of alcohol counts for a loss of ALL points, even if it’s just a sip of wine or beer.
  2. Foods like sandwiches, pizza, cake, milkshakes, frozen yogurts, etc which contain more than one forbidden ingredients only count as 1 point per violation.
  3. Do not consume carrageenan, MSG, guar gum, or sulfites. Do not try to re-create baked goods, junk foods, or treats* with “approved” ingredients.

**Most canned coconut creams and milks have hidden ingredients. Carton coconut beverages also have forbidden ingredients. Ham, Bacon, and Beef Jerky have hidden processed sugars be sure to check your labels.

  1. Do not  re-create baked goods, junk foods, or treats with “approved” ingredients. Foods that fall under this rule include pancakes, bread, tortillas, cereal, biscuits, muffins, cupcakes, cookies, pizza crust, waffles, cereal, potato chips, French fries, protein bars, ice cream, and this one recipe where eggs, date paste, and coconut milk are combined to create a thick, creamy concoction that can once again transform your undrinkable black coffee into sweet, dreamy caffeine.

*There may be other foods that you find are not psychologically healthy for your Paleo Challenge. Use your best judgment with those foods that aren’t on this list, but that you suspect are not helping you change your habits or break those cravings. Continuing to eat your old, unhealthy foods made with – Paleo approved ingredients is totally missing the point, a pancake is still a pancake.

DAY 31:

This is the day during which you measure and record exactly where you are at the end of the challenge.

1. Get Body Measurement - circumferential measurements in inches.

2. Test your current fitness level

  1. Repeat the same workout you did at the beginning of the challenge.

3. Enter your score on this website on Day 31.


Healthy Eating Makes Good Medicine

food Do you spend more time in the doctor’s office than you would like? Maybe your child does? My son was one of those sick kids. He always had a runny nose, his eyes were always red, he had eczema, unexplained rashes, and we discovered that he was allergic to our pets. His ill health turned into asthma.  If I knew then what I know now – we would not be trying to undo what was done so many years ago. Ill health starts in the gut.

The power of healthy eating, and the use of whole foods can rebuild total body health. Early in American history, people ate clean, nutrient dense food like grass fed meat, vegetables from their own gardens, butter, raw milk and cream, free range chicken and eggs. Before the 1900’s, Americans rarely died from heart disease or diabetes. Today, despite millions of dollars spent on health and research, we experience a much higher rate of heart disease, diabetes, and cancers. Foods are chosen for convenience instead of nutrition, and our government sponsors a healthy eating guide based on data not on the science of it all.

Return to the traditional diets our ancestors enjoyed. Begin with whole, real foods that are naturally low in carbohydrates, rich in protein, and natural fats. Avoid artificial and processed foods. These types of foods rely on chemical additives for flavor, appearance, and texture. They are genetically modified for a cheap price. Generally these foods have a long shelf life.

The main idea is that we are not genetically adapted to eat the processed foods invented in modern times, and when we eat these foods, they make us sick. Taking an antacid or an anti-blotting or gas relief pill is not normal and it may mean that you have intolerance to a particular food source.

Using whole foods as medicine to treat and heal chronic illness and to support health without the use of modern drugs. Most health problems are based on an unhealthy diet which is too high in carbohydrates, and low in real whole foods.

Foods should be as close to their natural state as possible. Poultry, including organ meats, beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey are good choices and grass fed meats and poultry are preferred. Choose to eat any wild game, fish, and eggs. Include salad greens, celery, carrots, mushrooms, cucumber, spinach, broccoli, summer squash, peppers, onions, tomatoes, chard, avocados etc. All fruits, all nuts such as cashews, filberts, pecans, walnuts, macadamias, pine nuts and pistachios are great choices. Choose seeds such as pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower. Keep grains and dairy to a minimum or avoid them all together. Grain based foods, and dairy sources cause gut inflammation, leakage and heart burn, which necessitates the use of antacids, interferes with pepsin, and this starts a cycle of gut problems.  Switching to healthy eating which emphasizes healthy fats and protein can transform into good medicine.

“Our digestive system holds the root of our health.  If those roots are not healthy then the rest of the body cannot be healthy.  So the treatment of any disease has to start in the gut.”  Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD.


original source